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Call for 10-Minute Play Scripts

Erickson Center for the Arts Call for 10 -Minute Play Festival Play Scripts

The ECA 10- Minute Play Festival will be held September 19th and 20th at The Pine Performance Center. Selected scripts will be used for two productions during the two day festival. 

Deadline for submissions is April 15, 2025, or until 50 submissions have been reached. No submission fee.

Submission Guidelines: 

1. Playwrights must live in Michigan to be considered. 

2. Only two submissions will be accepted per playwright, whether written solo or with collaborators. 

3. Plays need to be in PDF format, Word Document format, or printed and be between 8 - 12 minutes in length. 

4. Each play should include a cover page with full playwright contact details (address, email, phone number) and character information. 

5. Each play should require no more than 5 actors. 

6. Each play should have minimal set requirements and preferably one scene. 

7. Each selected playwright will receive two complimentary tickets to the festival. 

8. If selected, playwrights agree to provide a short bio. 

9. Playwrights agree to have their selected play produced without royalties.

Please submit scripts in PDF or Word Document format to or in printed format to the Erickson Center for the Arts office Monday-Friday 10 AM- 4 PM. Call 906.586.9974 for more information.